Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Literature Discussion-A Dream Of China

1. "However, China had nothing to say to my spirit. If indeed land speaks to spirit. My spirit was as alien here as i was. If inclined towards a diamond city of trees and meaningful occupation, efficiently sparkling in the modern world. That was where i truly belonged, among skyscrapers with glass fronts and gold-encrusted orchids."Do you think the reference to Singapore as a "diamond city" is apt? Why or why not? How would you describe your feelings towards Singapore, using imagery you feel suitable?

I feel that the reference to Singapore as a "diamond city" is apt to a large extent. In certain areas/parts of this island, the places that will be suitable to being named as a "diamond city" will be the city areas. The city areas are the areas that have buildings that scapes the skies.They are all made of glass and if one sees the area from a bird's eye view, it would definitely be like a "diamond city. " That is the literal meaning of the phrase. To see from it figuratively, it can be said that Singapore is a country that is worth alot, in the sense that we are a growing economic country. Diamonds are gems. To refer Singapore as a diamond city, could be refering Singapore as a gem city. To this, i agree. Therefore i feel that it's apt to refer Singapore as a "diamond city".
To desribe my feelings towares Singapore would be the image of a snowball rolling downhill. It accumulates more snow as it goes down. To me, it would be going up , as i grow up, but the main thing is that, like the snowball that accumulates more snow, my love for Singapore will continue to grow as i grow everyday. Even though, i like other countries, i still believe Singapore would be able to prosper even more. My love for Singapore will keep living on and grows as i go down the hill.

2. "With great grandness, my uncle ordered orange drinks from the waiter. He criticized the glasses as dirty when the drinks arrived and insisted on new words...I kept buying him the orange drinks he swallowed with such relish."
Why do you think the uncle behaves in this manner? Do you feel sorry for him or do you regard him with distaste, as his niece does?

The first time i read, i thought the uncles behaves like this because i thought he was showing off. After the 2nd reading, i realized that the reason why the uncle behaves like this could be because this is his first time enjoying drinks in a place different from where he usually goes and he's also being waited on. If i were in his shoes, i might enjoy the feeling for a little while. Therefore, i think the uncle behaves in this manner because he wanted to experience it.
I feel sorry for him, because he doesnt usually get to enjoy such treatment, and the fact that he is only enjoying for alittle while.

3. "I returned to Singapore alienated form the China I saw, but no less eager to listen to my father's stories of the most beautiful of beautiful lands."
Do you find this a contradiction? Why or why not?

Yes. I find it a contradiction because even though the author did not see the China depicted from her father's stories, she still could not wait to listen to her father's stories. Even though she knew that her father's China is totally different from the actual one.

4. "A country is only as good as it's men. My father is a good man....whichever country can claim as it's own."
What do you think the narrator means by the first statement?
To what extent would you agree that her father is a good man? Give reasons for your answer. Which country, do you think, should claim him for it's own?

I think the narrator means that, for a country to be good, it's men, the citizens have to be good. For it's men are the ones who make up the country. A country cannot be good and it's men are not. They are both directly connected. Good men, make a good country.
I agree that her father is a good man to a large extent. Her father still sent money to China for his brother, and even though his brother's wife only asked for a bit of money, he would always send a bit more. He still remembers his roots. His birth place, even after leaving it many many years ago.
I think the country that should claim him for it's own is China. After all, that's where he came from. He will always belong there no matter where he is.

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