Saturday, June 26, 2010

5 memorable quotes from Off Centre

1) "We only hurt ourself." - Act Two / Scene IV ; page 78

2) "Whatever lah, as long as I'm not plain like everyone else. DH Lawrence said that as long as you lead a full life it doesn't matter if it's happy or sad, long or short." - Act Two / Scene III ; page 64

3) "Who needs the Singapore education system? Life is too precious. Go to the beach. Go for a swim. Get your own books. Teach yourself. Make a difference." - Act Two / Scene I ; page 53

4) "Everything is so void. Who are we trying to avoid?" - Act Two / Scene III ; page 63

5) "Datta. Dayadhvam. Damyata. Give. Sympathise. Control. To live is to give -- no strings attached. Sympathise -- not with yourself but with others... others who are blind. and in this country, there are many. Finally, control. We must accept what life offers, but we must also take control of it's course." - Act Four / Scene I ; page 103

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