Friday, January 29, 2010

Comments posted

Comments posted(on their blogs.)

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Literature Discussion-Older Generation;Insights of Revelation

Q5.Choose two stories that reveal the thinking of an older generation of Singaporeans. What new insights have you gained from such a revelation?

Tanjong Rhu

A:Tanjong Rhu reveal the thinking of an older generation because of the Mr. Li's mother, as known as Ah-ma, herself shows that people from a older generation has a different thinking. Mr Li, himself could also be counted as a person from the older generation, because of his daughter.
Ah-ma, is thrifty, she doesn't want Mr. Li to waste his money, she said " i know i have everything i need." when Mr. Li wanted to show her the binoculars he bought for her.
For her eyes operation, she describe it as, or more likely, she thinks of it as, having her eyes sliced open. Like a clove of garlic or what, talking about peeling my eyes.
People of older generation also thinks of the past, unlike, modern people, who think of enjoying life,and forget that happen in the past.
Traditional ; When Ying, Mr.Li's daughter wanted Ba-ba [ ah-ma ] to go with her father, she volunteer to help ba-ba with the praying, but her ba-ba in the end, scold her and asked her stuffs like whether ot not, does she even know how to address her grandfather.
Mr. Li also scolded her daughter for holding open her ba-ba [ ah-ma, po-po ] eyes.
Even after she donated a pint of blood, when the adults are the one who bring her burial clothes

Evening Under Frangipani
In the story, the thinking of the older generation is showed through Elaine's mother. She acts as the representative of people from the older generation because the olden way of thinking is that, to allow a man to marry their own daughters, the man has to have a good and stable job and comes from a stable family.
Elaine's mother despised Prakash and thought of him as a bully. This shows how biased she is against people from a lower status than her.
Another thinking showed is the idea of mixed marriages. In the olden days, not many people welcome the idea of marrying someone from a different race. When Elaine was with Prakash, Elaine's mother did not like it because Prakash was from a different race and cultural from Elaine. This shows the conventional way of thinking of people from the older generation.
Through this, i gained a new insight that one does not always have to look at the status of a person. To look at a person is to look at him/her through one's heart and not one's eyes. By doing that, it would make one a better person, and with everyone being a better person, it would make this world a better place.

Literature Discussion-Ideals of the young people.

Q4. How are young people and their ideals presented in 2 or 3 stories in the collection? How far do you identify with those young people?

Story: Lee
A: For the story Lee, it may not entirely be based on youngsters in Singapore, because Lee grown up in the States. However, we can see that the ideals of the young people presented in this story is that Lee, is a person who loves music. This may seem like its only based on one character, we can also identify with the author that youngsters nowadays live for music. This is one ideal of youngsters that is shown in the story.
Another ideals shown by Lee is that she doesnt feel awkward or bad whenever she shows vulgaric behaviour in public. From the book, when some random guy whistled to her, she immediately flashed him the finger wihout hesitation. Lee's dad who is obviously of a much older generation had to sustain a shock from seeing Lee do that. This shows another ideal presented in the story.
Lee does not like thinking in the conventional way. This shows the ideal of youngsters nowadays as they do not really think in the same steroetypical way as the older generation.
Lee also dresses very casually. This is another ideal as youngsters nowadays also dresses quite casually whenever they go out.
People from the older generation thinks that it is very normal and a must for youngsters to know their own dialect. When Lee met with her Grandmother who wanted to speak to Lee but couldnt because they both spoke different languages. This is another conventional idea of the older generation which does not applies to the younger generation. We, yougsters does not think it is relevant to know much less understand the dialects because the world is changing and it is more important to speak languages that are relevant to the society.
Therefore this concludes the ideals that are presented in the story.

History Of Tea

For this story, there are two young people, Beverly and TianYee.
This two people themselves has different ideals presented.
Beverly thinks that tea is something important in their lifes, and is not just a "tea", while to TianYee, a tea is just a tea, nothing special, it's just something that they drink.
" She drank lapsang souchong and i had oolong. ", " Mine in just a tall mug with blue on white bamboo patterns and a cover to help it brew, beaded on its underside with water. Hers in a pot, trimmed at the top and base and gold pattern - Japanese imitating Royal Doulton - with matching cup, saucer, tiny jug of milk, a plated spoon and tea strainer on its own base, all produced on a gleaming tray with roses and briars worked onto the handles. "
TianYee thinks that tea was just something in the mug that his mother gave to him in the morning and at dinners.
But to Beverly, remember rules for a good brew, is more important then when she met her cousin, and what they talked about.
Beverly is angry with her parents for not letting her engage with a part Jewish guy.
To Beverly, it's something normal, plus, her parents themselves are also a mixed marriage, but yet, disagree to her engagment.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Literature Discussion-Change;Welcomed or feared

Q3. With reference to suitable stories, discuss how far change is shown to be either welcomed or feared.

Story-The Move
A: In this story, change is shown to be feared to a certain extent. Madam Teo, whose children are moving house. This is a type of change and Madam Teo did not seem welcome to it at first. One evidence of her not welcoming it is from her not wanting to let go of the past. She wanted to bring the footstools that had been with the family since Tommy(her child) was a kid. This shows that she doesnt welcome change because even though she was moving to a new house, she still wanted to keep the old things that had been with the family for thirty years.
An evidence that she welcomed the change of moving house was when the Ah-Pek who sold coffee told Madam Teo to take care of herself in the new environment. Madam Teo blushed and replied that she was proud to move with the times. This shows that she is welcoming change because she feels assured that it all right to have a change of environment and that she was proud to do so.
At the beginning Madam Teo did not welcome change that much. Then she thought about why was she feeling sad? It was only relocating from one house to another. So in the end, she welcomed change
This concludes why in this story, change is welcomed to only a certain extent.

Literature Discussion-Conflict between parent and child.

Q2. Select 2 or 3 stories in which there is conflict between parent and child, and show how far there is some resolution of this differences at the end of the story.

A: The conflict between Lee and Lee's dad is that Lee criticized about the people in Singapore and how they dress. Lee's dad disliked her tone and chided her.
Another conflict is of the way Lee dresses and Lee's dad did not like it and said in irritation to why did Lee had to dress in that odd, casually scrappy ways of her. Lee rebutted that he suggest what way should she dress and he told her that at least the 'wimps' in the supermarket are neat. She said they were tacky and Lee's dad scolded back that he hated her using that word.
The resolution between Lee and her dad is when he told her of the story of how the Chinese and Indians had magnificient culture while the Caucasians were still not settled yet. He told her about how things changed and that in the end, it became that the Westerners were the one who ruled. He told her of how it became likke the Chinese and the rest looked like fools. Basically , he told her of the history of the world. 
The conflicts between them were resolved because Lee's dad let out what he had wanted to say for a long time and Lee understood what he had been meaning. It resolved their differences.

The Martyrdom of Helena Rodrigues.

George has been bought up to become a person who grow up ground between millstones of sacrifice and unselfishness.
Helena's tactics enable her to tyrannize most people, including her own son, George. George was moulded from infancy into a perfect guy for his mother's techniques. Helena nurtured in him a hypersensitivity of conscience which bordered upon the pathological ;
George was bought up to believe that insulting his mother's devotion to him was the ultimate blasphemy. Helena, scared of losing George, had kept him by her side.
When George was sixteen, when he acquired his driving license, he had dropped by to visit his uncle [the narrator], when his mother, Helena, was having her hair done.
George rejected his uncle's invitation for having dinner then next day because he was worried that his mother, Helena would be left alone at home, and scared that she would feel lonely, thinks that he couldn't leave his mother alone.
Helena pick that day when George had taken the car out all afternoon to make a trip to visit her sister, his aunt. She chose to travel by bus, at the hottest time of the day, to visit the most remote, the most phone-gossipy, and most indignant of his aunt. Causes George to hardly uses the car even since, lest his mother should again to forced to such hardship.
" His spirit, if it had not been broken before, now was thoroughly crushed. "
George met Caroline when he grew older, and she also convince him that his mother is a lady Dracula. Sensing that the power over him is endanger, she worked to tighthen her grip. Using the weapon of ill health, and again, she didn't told George anything, wanting to use someone's else mouth to pass the message to George.
On George's wedding day, Helena's doctor, Doctor de Cruz, summoned in great alarm, and told George that his mum is in great danger. Which causes him to cancel his wedding.
In the end, Helena as still left alone, because George died before her

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Literature Discussion-Motherhood

Q1: How is motherhood presented in any two or three stories in the collection?

Story-Tanjong Rhu
A: In Tanjong Rhu, the mother is Mr Lee's mother, Ah-Ma.
The way that motherhood is presented in this story is through Ah-Ma being the one who keeps the past of her child, which in this case is Mr Lee.
When Mr Lee bought binoculars for his mother, she did not want it at first. She said:"Ah-Wah, things you can buy, i do not need." From this sentence, it means that things that Mr Lee can buy are the materialistc and real things. But Ah-Ma did not need them, for the things she need are her past, which no matter how much Mr Lee has , he cannot buy.
The past that Ah-Ma needs is the childhood of Mr Lee. Ah-Ma remembers the past of her which is of the younger verison of Mr Lee climbing in the empty hulls of the fishing boats that his father was building.
Therefore in my opinion, the motherhood presented in this story is of Ah-Ma being the one who keeps the past of her own child.

A: The mother make sure that the Ovaltine is cool enough for her daughter to drink, when they went to the coffee shop during the lantern festival.
She pay for her daughter's pile of revision assessment books and mock PSLE exam paper, all by herself. She stayed in her teaching job even though she didn't likes it so that she could afford the best education for her daughter. She use the money and send her to Methodist Girls' School. She also send her daughter to art, piano, and ballet classes at the Community Centre, and paid for her chinese tution. She paid for her daughter's classes by herself, without her husband giving a cent.
She bought a new flat in bedok, by herself - her husband didn't pay a single cent. But her husband sold her new flat and asked her to get a new one. She fled, but when she left the building, she heard her daughter screaming and felt water droplets on her neck, she knew that the droplet wasn't her daughter's tears, and yet, she will went back.
She does not want her daughter to go to Uganda, she is worried that her daughter would suffer there. She told her daughter that in Uganda there is no future, and no money, no pay.
She also told her daughter that "When you have no financial independence, you have no weapon, no shield, stuck with a bad husband and have bad jobs."
She forbid her daughter from going to Uganda but her daughter say that its a calling from the god and there's fire in her bones, and if she doesn't go, she will just burn and die.
She asked her daughter to stay but two months later, she woke up and her daughter is gone.

Friday, January 15, 2010


Conflicts : ·Mr Lee & Tai Poh (External)

   - There was a psychological conflict as they try to trick each other into admitting to something .
·Mr Lee & Tai Poh (Internal)
   - Mr Lee was laughing on on the inside as he thinks that he thinks that Tai Poh has failed in trying to fool him .

Climax :
The start of the climax is when Mr. Lee started on his own “Story”

Resolution :
Nothing changed as its just a story, it was just a past time and nothing was real .

1) Tai Poh
· Quiet (Pg 212, He did not talk to the passengers nor disturb them in any way)
· Observant (Pg 212, He watched and carefully considered before he picked the person to feature in his story)
· Secretive (Pg 217, He stopped to check his face , it betrayed nothing nor let anyone know anything through his face expressions)

2) Mr Lee
· Vigilant (Pg 216, He was prepared)
· Cunning (Pg 217, It betrayed nothing and he expected it, he was not simple minded.After living through so many years this way, he could not be simple minded .

The most interesting segment is when..

An Orbituary for 5th Aunt came late

Aunt ; But mostly I think she shocked herself with her power of speech. She could only calm herself then with a trip to the kitchen sink, plowing her hands into dishes and dish-soiled water. (Internal)

Mother and her children (Pg 152, Their mother continually bewailed her lot – nine children, thirteen if you counted the dead babies, the endless chores, the drudgery.)(External)
Mother and husband( pg152 , The tight-lipped husband who positioned himself at the dinner-table-the-bed-out-the-front-door, who even she stopped simpering to when he opened his mouth and said “tea” or “hungry already”, and it then fell upon her to break the code.(External))
Aunt and her mother (pg152, When she was six years old, my aunt developed a bronchial cough that wonldnt go away even after weeks of murky, dark brews. The concoctions were so foul-smelling and bitter no amount of sugar could make them palatable. Don’t waste our sugar, her mother admonished, your brothers need the sugar for their school sandwiches. (External)


1) Fifth Aunt
· Filial (pg 149 ,My aunt. She was in her fifties. She lived in my grandmother’s house.)

· Apologetic (pg149, One day she fell off her stool because she shifted her weight wrong, and she said, “ Oh sorry, oh sorry, I’m very clumsy.”)
· Un-feminine (pg150, She didn’t have a handkerchief tucked into the frog-buttons of her at-home top, so she wiped off her wet upper lip with her hand.
· Taciturn (pg150, My taciturn aunt, who didn’t speak.]
· Put others before herself (pg150, Who filled every soup bowl before her own.)

2) Narrator
· Disrespectful (pg149, She was my aunt but I didn’t make a point to be her niece)

· Had an air of nonchalance (pg 149-150, I suppose since I couldn’t be heard I didn’t try to think very much either.)

3) Grandmother
· Whiny (Pg 152, Their mother continually bewailed her lot)

· Traditional (prefer boys) (pg152, Don’t waste out sugar, her mother admonished, your brothers need the sugar for their school sandwiches.)

The most interesting segment is when..


· Eileen & the Female Neighbour (Pg 140 & 141, The neighbour compared Eileen together with their dog as they were both pregnant , this showed a form of disrepect)
· Eileen & her Husband (Pg 140 & 141, Her husband was irritated by the fact that Eileen forgotten to collect his suit)
· Eileen & her neighbours (Pg 141, They cut down her guava tree while she was at the supermarket)
· Eileen & her neighbours (Pg 142, They moved into theit property when they were away)
· Eileen & her husband (Pg 143, Philip was angry over the fact that Eileen were taking trival matters so seriously)

(Pg 145 & 146)

- When Eileen couldn’t take it any more , she decided to do something about it , she decided to wait for the person who gave the dogs their food , to do something to solve the problem .

Open – Ended ;

The problem is only partially solved . It is only partially solved because , the dogs are quiet now , but they are already dead as the man used the tools to kill them .


1) Eileen
· Friendly (Pg 139, She went over to say hi to her new neighbours when they were moving in)
· Petty (Pg 142, Her neighbour only intruded a small section of her garden and she became all furious and agitated)
· Patient (Pg 144, She talks and rock her baby even though it keeps crying)

2) Philip
· Petty (Pg 141, Just because it slipped Eileen’s mind to collect his suit , he became angry)

· Understanding (Pg 143, He was telling Eileen to let their neighbours to have that tiny bit of space since they don’t do gardening anyway)

3) The man who took care of the dogs
· Kind (Pg 146, He offered to carry Eileen’s baby , and he even stroked the baby’s cheek)
· Understanding (Pg 147, He agreed to shift the dogs to another place , to help Eileen solve her problem)
· Evil (Pg 148, He killed the puppies one by one to silence them)

The most interesting segment is when Eileen got very fustrated/angry with the dog’s noise.She couldn’t take it anymore for any longer, so phoned the police for help and even thought of calling the spca to help resolve the problem.By getting the police involved in such a trivial matter is a little uncommon. She was showing signs that she was slowly becoming mad because all she wanted, is to let her baby and her catch some sleep.

A history of Tea

Complete Ending ;

The conflicts are all resolved and when the narrator opened the lid to his tea, he saw in it all his relatives and his future.

Characters :

1) Narrator  :Simple (Pg 108 , He did not use a mug that had complicated patterns on it like Beverly had.)
                    :Good sense of humour (Pg 109 , Laughed at a joke, "not my cup of tea")

2) Beverly    :Fussy (Pg 109, she was choosy about the type of tea she liked.)

The most interesting segment is when Beverly made a joke about cup of tea comparing to the cup of tea in terms of the types of guys she wants.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Conflicts : Lee's Dad (Internal Conflict)
- Pg 85 . He couldnt recgonize his daughter amidst the crowd in the airport and he panicked and started imagining all sorts of this that could have happened.
- Pg 85 , He felt awkward with Lee, his daughter whom he havent seen in 8yrs.
- Pg 90 . He felt embarrassed when Lee asked him questions point-blank.
- Pg 94, He envied other fathers who spent long-standing time with their children such that they had gained familarity, because he did not felt that way with Lee.)
- Pg 96, He wanted to tell Lee that it was normal for Singaporeans to not care about their image. He wanted to talk about things emotionally but felt embarrased and forced it back in.)

Climax : Pg 97-98 ;
It was the first time that Lee's Dad saw Lee lose her temper. Although it might not seem like such a big difference, it was the time that he finally confessed to her use of words.

Resolution : Complete Ending ;
Lee and her dad's relationship have finally stabilized after Lee gave him the "Blind" photograph. For the first time he was filled with passion for what he said to Lee. The story's resolved because he saw the lighted window that hovered in his mind before he slept. It means that he has finally seen what he'd been desperately trying to see, like how it is in the "Blind" photograph. Therefore this story is complete.

1) Lee
• Violent (Pg 85 , She kicked the vending machine when no drinks came out.)

• Loves music ( Pg 87, When asked if she needed to listen to anything now, she said intensely that she needed the music.)
• Artistic ( Pg 90, She contrasted the environment she saw in Indonesia. "..big concrete office blocks owned by ITT or something standing next to this zinc hut where you see a guy in the doorway selling a tent.")
• Impertinent (Pg 91, did not show proper respect when she asked her dad about his relationship process with her mum.)
• Reasons unreasonably (Pg 91, when her dad said she is impertinent, she reasoned that she is on hiatus from the traditional way of speaking.)
• Photographic (Pg 92, she decorated her bedroom wall with pictures that were mostly photographs and photographic stills.)
• Vulgaric(Pg 90, she pointed a middle finger at her man who whistled to her. Pg 94, she scolded Piscopo in a very bad manner.)
• Talkative (Entire story. She talked alot.)
• Observant(Entire story. Commented alot on the things she see, and takes note of small details of those that caught her eye.)
• Speaks critically(Pg 97, Her dad told her to stop criticizing.)
• Dresses casually.(9g 97. "..jeans of an extremely faded blue and a moth-eaten T-shirt with the seams ripped at the shoulder..")
• Sophisticated(Pg 101, "..Lee was too sophisticated for her age.")

2) Lee's Dad
• Easily jealous (Pg 88 , He felt a wholly unexpected jealousy when Lee started talking about Piscopo.)

• Does not like attention(Pg 98, "he hated to be the center of attention.")

The most interesting segment is when (there are alot of interesting parts in this story that i like) Lee compared a David Hockney print of LA women in swimming pools to the event of her mum drowning in the pool. "A David Hockney print came to life"(Love this line.) Another one is the last part of the story from the way the writer compared the revelation of Lee's Dad to the "Blind" photograph. One more that i like is the whole thing that Lee's Dad said to Lee, about the Eastern and the Western people. I like this also because i learnt something and i like things like the writer comparison of the "Blind" photograph with Lee's Dad.

Evening Under Frangipani

Conflicts : Internal Conflict: Prakash
Pg 47-48 , Nervous about his interview but tried to appear attentive. " He tried to appear attentive, to master his feelings and seem the right man for the job. "

Climax : Pg 62-63 ,
Prakash commented on Elaine's father's hands and Elained got offended saying that if Prakash thinks Elaine's father's hands are like beetles, then he must mean that Elaine's hands are also like beetles. This is the climax because it is the incident that made Elaine realize Prakash wasnt really the right one for her. It changed the way the story went so it is the climax.

Resolution : Complete Ending ;
Although this is a complete ending, it is not a happy one. Elaine and Prakash did not get back together, and it would have been good, if it wasnt for the fact that Prakash still had feelings for Elaine. It is complete because Elaine's conflict is resolved because she realized the problem in Prakash and her relationship. So, in a way, this is a complete ending.

1) Prakash
• He is a nervous wreck(during job interview, pg 47)

• Hardworking(commended by the interviewer , pg 48)

2) Elaine
• Is a feminist. (pg 49-50)

• Dresses casually. ("cotton slacks and a loose white T-shirt, pg 51)
• Does like show-offy people. (pg 51)
• Does not like conventional ideas. ("day in day out..for his boiling frustration, pg 52)
• Thoughtful ( thought of telling Prakash about her good news. Add to his happiness if his interview went well. Cheer him up if he was depressed. , pg 53)

3) Elaine's Mum
• Sarcastic (pg 58)

• Unfriendly. (pg 58)
• Racist (Commented on Prakash not being able to drink soup due to his religious tradition of using his hands to eat. pg 59)
• Judgemental ("considered Prakash slow and stupid..imagined him physically agressive..bully Elaine out of her depth." , pg 83)

The most interesting segment is when Prakash fought the urge to hit the man that he found out Elaine came home with, while hiding behind a tree eavesdropping on the conversation. He imagined himself going to hit the man, imagined Elaine screaming. But he stayed hidden behind the tree. He clenched his fist while trying to keep himself from hitting the man. The interesting segment is the part when he thought of what his father said to him."Dignity is all a man has. Rsspect yourself and never beg anyone for favours. Then you will be respected and respected you will be happy." I find this interesting because i learnt something from the quote by his father.