Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Evening Under Frangipani

Conflicts : Internal Conflict: Prakash
Pg 47-48 , Nervous about his interview but tried to appear attentive. " He tried to appear attentive, to master his feelings and seem the right man for the job. "

Climax : Pg 62-63 ,
Prakash commented on Elaine's father's hands and Elained got offended saying that if Prakash thinks Elaine's father's hands are like beetles, then he must mean that Elaine's hands are also like beetles. This is the climax because it is the incident that made Elaine realize Prakash wasnt really the right one for her. It changed the way the story went so it is the climax.

Resolution : Complete Ending ;
Although this is a complete ending, it is not a happy one. Elaine and Prakash did not get back together, and it would have been good, if it wasnt for the fact that Prakash still had feelings for Elaine. It is complete because Elaine's conflict is resolved because she realized the problem in Prakash and her relationship. So, in a way, this is a complete ending.

1) Prakash
• He is a nervous wreck(during job interview, pg 47)

• Hardworking(commended by the interviewer , pg 48)

2) Elaine
• Is a feminist. (pg 49-50)

• Dresses casually. ("cotton slacks and a loose white T-shirt, pg 51)
• Does like show-offy people. (pg 51)
• Does not like conventional ideas. ("day in day out..for his boiling frustration, pg 52)
• Thoughtful ( thought of telling Prakash about her good news. Add to his happiness if his interview went well. Cheer him up if he was depressed. , pg 53)

3) Elaine's Mum
• Sarcastic (pg 58)

• Unfriendly. (pg 58)
• Racist (Commented on Prakash not being able to drink soup due to his religious tradition of using his hands to eat. pg 59)
• Judgemental ("considered Prakash slow and stupid..imagined him physically agressive..bully Elaine out of her depth." , pg 83)

The most interesting segment is when Prakash fought the urge to hit the man that he found out Elaine came home with, while hiding behind a tree eavesdropping on the conversation. He imagined himself going to hit the man, imagined Elaine screaming. But he stayed hidden behind the tree. He clenched his fist while trying to keep himself from hitting the man. The interesting segment is the part when he thought of what his father said to him."Dignity is all a man has. Rsspect yourself and never beg anyone for favours. Then you will be respected and respected you will be happy." I find this interesting because i learnt something from the quote by his father.

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