Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Conflicts : Lee's Dad (Internal Conflict)
- Pg 85 . He couldnt recgonize his daughter amidst the crowd in the airport and he panicked and started imagining all sorts of this that could have happened.
- Pg 85 , He felt awkward with Lee, his daughter whom he havent seen in 8yrs.
- Pg 90 . He felt embarrassed when Lee asked him questions point-blank.
- Pg 94, He envied other fathers who spent long-standing time with their children such that they had gained familarity, because he did not felt that way with Lee.)
- Pg 96, He wanted to tell Lee that it was normal for Singaporeans to not care about their image. He wanted to talk about things emotionally but felt embarrased and forced it back in.)

Climax : Pg 97-98 ;
It was the first time that Lee's Dad saw Lee lose her temper. Although it might not seem like such a big difference, it was the time that he finally confessed to her use of words.

Resolution : Complete Ending ;
Lee and her dad's relationship have finally stabilized after Lee gave him the "Blind" photograph. For the first time he was filled with passion for what he said to Lee. The story's resolved because he saw the lighted window that hovered in his mind before he slept. It means that he has finally seen what he'd been desperately trying to see, like how it is in the "Blind" photograph. Therefore this story is complete.

1) Lee
• Violent (Pg 85 , She kicked the vending machine when no drinks came out.)

• Loves music ( Pg 87, When asked if she needed to listen to anything now, she said intensely that she needed the music.)
• Artistic ( Pg 90, She contrasted the environment she saw in Indonesia. "..big concrete office blocks owned by ITT or something standing next to this zinc hut where you see a guy in the doorway selling a tent.")
• Impertinent (Pg 91, did not show proper respect when she asked her dad about his relationship process with her mum.)
• Reasons unreasonably (Pg 91, when her dad said she is impertinent, she reasoned that she is on hiatus from the traditional way of speaking.)
• Photographic (Pg 92, she decorated her bedroom wall with pictures that were mostly photographs and photographic stills.)
• Vulgaric(Pg 90, she pointed a middle finger at her man who whistled to her. Pg 94, she scolded Piscopo in a very bad manner.)
• Talkative (Entire story. She talked alot.)
• Observant(Entire story. Commented alot on the things she see, and takes note of small details of those that caught her eye.)
• Speaks critically(Pg 97, Her dad told her to stop criticizing.)
• Dresses casually.(9g 97. "..jeans of an extremely faded blue and a moth-eaten T-shirt with the seams ripped at the shoulder..")
• Sophisticated(Pg 101, "..Lee was too sophisticated for her age.")

2) Lee's Dad
• Easily jealous (Pg 88 , He felt a wholly unexpected jealousy when Lee started talking about Piscopo.)

• Does not like attention(Pg 98, "he hated to be the center of attention.")

The most interesting segment is when (there are alot of interesting parts in this story that i like) Lee compared a David Hockney print of LA women in swimming pools to the event of her mum drowning in the pool. "A David Hockney print came to life"(Love this line.) Another one is the last part of the story from the way the writer compared the revelation of Lee's Dad to the "Blind" photograph. One more that i like is the whole thing that Lee's Dad said to Lee, about the Eastern and the Western people. I like this also because i learnt something and i like things like the writer comparison of the "Blind" photograph with Lee's Dad.

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